Must be Marxist: A Situated History of Danish Radical Geography



Largely unrecognised in prevailing historical accounts of (radical) geography, Danish university geography from the late 1960s saw emergence a strong radical strand. In terms student support, this became dominant feature at University Copenhagen, and was defining element establishment new Roskilde Centre. This movement spawned its own journal, had impact on upper-secondary school played an important part developing Nordic critical network. As contribution to emerging situated histories article investigates conditions possibility for rise Copenhagen movement’s institutionalisation during 1970s. More briefly, also considers transformative crisis 1980s. Den gængse historieskrivning om (radikal) geografi overser i det store og hele, der fra slutningen af 1960’erne opstod en stærk radikal strømning dansk universitetsgeografi. I forhold til studenteropslutning blev denne radikale dominerende på Københavns Universitet, den var et definerende oprettelsen nye Universitetscenter. bevægelse grundlagde sit eget tidsskrift, fik stor indflydelse gymnasieskolen spillede vigtig rolle udviklingen Nordiske netværk kritisk geografi. Som bidrag spirende lokaliserede geografi, undersøger artikel mulighedsbetingelserne oprindelsen København, samt bevægelsens institutionalisering gennem 1970’erne. kortere træk artiklen også geografis omkalfatrende krise 1980’erne. rejoinder Harvey’s (1972) call revolutionary geographer Steen Folke insisted that “a must be Marxist“. But, “rightly or wrongly”, Harvey (2017:236) recently notes, “none us Anglo-Saxon world took much notice his essay time”. rebuttal Springer’s (2014) criticism forgetting anarchist legacy however, points out “was writing context highly politicized movement” criticises Springer neglecting geographical context. While not entering fray over what “must” be, presents analysis historical-geographical Some outlines exist as wider (Asheim 1987; 1985; Lehtinen Simonsen 2022), while Hansen Jensen (1983) (1994) provide more local accounts. But time when is middle-age, epitomised by semi-centennial Antipode, it seems worthwhile revisit strand youthful geography. For might have escaped Anglo-American attention, 1970s evolved into remarkably movement—certainly perspective, but arguably scale. One tempted see project autogenetic formation, first gathered momentum subsequently spread Centre network propelled distinct articulations forces propagated geographies other places. By early 1980s, (1985:15) sensed “there has been some stagnation—some would even speak crisis—in geography”. Indeed, adding pertinence article, perspectives are today conspicuous mainly their absence development 1970s, “crisis” (and is) small field, taught only universities Aarhus. will focus “cradle” (if Nordic) geography: Department Geography. My aim narrative. research partly inspired informal conversations with geographers, who were active purpose interviewed seven people participated Copenhagen. These me, others realised (e.g. Barnes 2014), oral often poor source information decades-old events. therefore rely primarily published unpublished written sources. The journals radical/critical geographers Hovedområdet, often-embattled student-edited magazine Faculty Science, respect valuable Movements rarely generate formal archives, fortunately kept material. Minutes meetings possibly accidentally archived private correspondence) official archives department good turbulent period. analysing history contributes Peake Sheppard key entry, which “invites further elaboration” (Theodore al. 2019:7), we now contributions (Barnes 2019b; Berg 2022). “There certainly no simple process spatial diffusion” geographies, (2019a:2) note; approaching “requires sensitive narration”. Partly reason, submit “case-study-from-another-place” syndrome (Simonsen 2004:526) analyse “local” case supposedly “international” field. We resist powerful tacit) scale-political processes construe knowledge about places “unlimited” self-evidently important, seen “limited” requiring justification (Berg 2004). Ferretti urges “give up idea … one should seek correspondences ‘radical’ model, North American ‘Antipode-an’ one” (in Sidaway 2020:242). It encouraging uncovering forgotten overlooked (with parallels e.g. de Craene 2021; Korf 2021). Radical need Marxist, course, Denmark quickly resolutely Marxist. use “radical geography” underscore overt political ambitions transformations. distinguish phase radicalising addressed next section, where projects particularly directed “inwards”, field following fully-fledged mean aspirations clearly “outwards”, beyond university. ensuing sections outline discords within radical-geographic situate developments contexts. Finally, preamble concluding briefly consider Denmark, too, emerged “1968 all that” (Watts 2001). are, words, familiar terrain. And yet, Watts (2001:172) out, “each possessed distinctive identity circumference global wave New Left protests”. could say instances like (geographical) ideas movements generally, events, processes, projects, identities ranging bodily. eyes someone activist (Interview, 15 June 2017), can intersection five intersecting “rebellions” between 1968 1971 (see 1983). section sketch these “rebellions”, provided geography’s “conditions possibility” (cf. 2014). First, radicalisation many outset student-political rebellion, derived massive expansion (higher) education “golden age” welfare state. At alone, number students quadrupled 1960 1970. put existing system under severe pressure, despite several government attempts reform, maintained traditional status autonomous entities governed collegially professors, turn sovereign determining teaching “their” quasi-feudal worked elitist, influx 1960s, increasingly placed hands expanding non-professorial staff. generated large group disenfranchised academic employees working mercy professor. To degree, natural ally oppositional students, foremost demanded end professorial autocracy introduction democratic structures. “Break down regime—co-determination, now” (Bryd professorvældet—medbestemmelse nu) slogan used psychology March they interrupted touched off rebellion. instigated wide-ranging 1970 led comprehensive Act (Styrelsesloven). act accorded faculty members equal representational status, gave one-third seats governing boards half staff-student committees (Hansen 2017; Jørgensen 2008). Geography, strength rebellion gauged fact Act—after tough protracted negotiations—was pre-empted institution Subject Board student-teacher representation decision-making authority educational matters, including hiring temporary staff.1 1 Regulations Board, 7 1969, National Archives, record creator: Geografisk Institut (hereafter Archives), box 5. victory faculty), elsewhere, act. Through decisions adopted common meetings, initially declined elect board due relative (three four members, two non-academic staff members); parity.2 2 meeting. 21 December 1970, 2; meeting, 26 October 1971. Eventually, elected representatives. If diametrically opposed reasons, reforms resisted professors. February circular, example, head described himself being “an unpleasantly ossified reactionary rearguard”, he positive access teachers; because “the stringent requirements doctoral degree selection country entail documented capabilities”, pushing democracy too far if heads departments professors.3 3 “Til Instituts stab tekniske personale”, 11 7. professor refers here considered “senior” PhD degree. Such evocations meritocracy hardly appeased critics, least professors’ qualifications challenged. Second, decisive strength, scientific against conception characteristic single person dominate decades, reason than over-loaded administration, professors subjects did keep international (Jørgensen young teachers, those leaning towards human (kulturgeografi), Located science dominated education. Frank Henrik Toft (1983), respectively, calculate modules made 80% curriculum throughout 1960s. recollects, “also physical simply shelter through specialisation” (Brandt 1999:369). Moreover, according pursued largely descriptive, theory-phobic, topically fragmented, environmentally determinist inclination. situation analogous Clark University, birthplace missed quantitative revolution ripe (Huber 2019). Well before 1968, found oblivious seemed revolutionise “sneak” away follow activities around Torsten Hägerstrand Lund (Illeris 2018). Marxism sought inspiration. means implies mainstay Long after established senior thesis urban brush Marxist “exception” among “geographers, service completely rejected discipline’s paradigm social sciences” (Matthiessen 1985:4). confined handful faculty, most whom started path students. All believe society changed based premises bourgeois ideology lead superficial changes society’s appearance, without transforming fundamental characteristics domination exploitation. (Fagligt Forum 1972:6) may seem strange include last, revolt politics? Yet, already noted, politics. (2008) argue outlets progressive politics place, example Campaign Against Nuclear Weapons (Kampagnen mod Atomvåben), known 1959 party-political home Socialist People’s Party (Socialistisk Folkeparti, SF). particular turned 1967 breakout party SF, Socialists (Venstresocialisterne, VS), almost synonymous movement. member parliament VS (1975–1984), Jette Gottlieb, activistic student, successor VS, Red-Green Alliance (Enhedslisten). Later, joined Communist (Danmarks Kommunistiske Parti, DKP) eventually Maoist Workers (Kommunistisk Arbejderparti, KAP). contrast left-wing politics, (1985:16) “Danish avoided sectarian in-fighting”. confirmed article. rebellions, various ways general well specific, favourable circumstances Undoubtedly, presence engaged charismatic individuals part. (2014:218) notes “required both propitious concerted efforts” launch “revolution”. efforts establish turn, addressing branching note related Aarhus, Roskilde, area. democratise having notable victories students—and, “under cover” vocal faculty. fuelled conflicts, times close breaking apart department. this, jostled position themselves “The mood exactly rosy”, secretary lamented privately 1970: “Staff alternate committee meetings. Additionally, there lots whispering corners. Everything power”.4 4 Private letter, 23 Original emphasis. situation, rebellions undergirding channelled three endeavours: Fagligt Forum5 5 translated “subject forum“. eschews connotations “fagligt”, notably relating labour organisation action. aimed questioning name here. alternative structure teaching, journal Kulturgeografiske Hæfter, “long march institutions” sorts. serve oppressed instead our hitherto masters. derailed—for obvious reasons: cannot framework department.6 6 “Udfordring bevidste aktive kulturgeografer vedrørende ‘fagligt forum’”, 25 A teachers Geography together formed providing theoretical basis. feel such supplement way normally treat create conscious stance subject’s application. (Buch-Hansen 1972:9) Bourgeois focuses detail neglected understand totality. always hidden. Tables techniques replace understanding reality. find better explains reality—its uncover reality totality, disguise parts it. organised thematic groups, coordination group, plenum work presented discussion made. spring 1972, groups: European Economic Community (EEC) (before Denmark’s autumn 1972 EEC membership referendum) prepare booklet “based conviction capitalism actively creates regional inequalities strengthening reinforce tendencies”; developing-countries “Scuttle myths linear path”; inner-city focused areal differentiation cities development; schoolbook textbooks Forum’s ideology; urbanisation “consider growth consequence development, detached society, theory does” 1972:6). According undated “study guide” days, groups different levels enhance learning help negotiate education, ensure “members relevant theme, certain controlling function”.8 8 “Fagligt Forums studievejledning”, undated. Importantly, Theory B, beginner’s course outside structures foundation Forum”, “we received (consciously unconsciously), absolutely necessary participate course”.9 9 “compulsory” later “recommended” 1976). B commitment facing rather gruelling demands significant six ten participants met twice week six-week period 1972). November 1973, issue Human-Geographical Pamphlets, shortened Hæfter (which article). “to contribute society”, inaugural editorial noted basis, admit guarantee articles deserved designation steps direction” 1973:3–4). evolved, gradually moved strictly Like newsletters, began mimeographed affair, assumed stylised appearance. total 45 issues 1973 1998.10 10 See online supplement, “Kulturgeografisk 1973-1998”, (last accessed July Virtually start, included material schools, journal’s “contributing explicitly came involve debates producing (Kulturgeografiske 1979a:2). same time, broader “constituency” (støttekreds) selected schools 1979b). Reflecting changes, concerns technology (Issue 20, 1981), feminism 22, 1982), modes life (livsformer) 38, 1990). themes from, reaction to, possible determine circulation Hæfter. However, slowdown publishing 1990s, print run substitute newsletter 600. libraries photocopying, reached readers. Many work, series 22 monographs Hæfters Skriftserie) 1982 1992. supported embraced May regretted “that ‘Hovedområdet’ ‘Fagligt Forum’ formulated suggest Geography’s activities, not”.11 2. bone contention (1972). years fraught conflicts sparked structural imposed Act, particular, only, revolved geographers. There schism affected department’s structure. 1975, instance, Science—unsuccessfully—sought purge (Hovedområdet aggravated vocally social-scientific who—perhaps little confusingly outsiders—preferred stay. “unacceptable claim science”, insisted; “when want stay here, attach crucial importance unity geography”.12 12 16 1974, Similar views expressed Kulturgeografisk Fagråd 1974a). amicably, bypassed (rather resolved) institutionalisation. way. addition reforming methods, concern challenge dominance curriculum—and make science. embattled revisions, define choose teacher-led or—as ardently fought students—a student-led involving work. result planning; rather, compromise expressing “balance-of-power” prevail sealed so-called “peace accord” (fredsbrev) 1975 1983:13). Compromise conflict characterised setup. Notably, mandated effectively separated sub-committees eventually—again pushed students—became independent committees.13 13 “Vedr.: Oprettelse fagstudienævn faget kulturgeografi”, 18 1974. Heavily influenced geography-oriented Human Geographical Council (Kulturgeografisk Fagråd), mandates representatives (eventually) board. fora fierce safeguard develop 1974b). Conflicts rife After long torturous negotiations, vividly exemplified 35-page collection very diverse proposals,14 14 “Betænkning vedr. fagstruktur”, September decided organise “laboratories”, (the latter rural respectively). non-radical it, “cooperation specialised sections” preferable “perpetual civil wars”.15 29 scheme originally third human-geographical laboratory “societal [samfundsgeografi], foundations”. drive overcome differences entailed specialisation, members—four 27 members—rejected scheme. They proposed laboratories

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عنوان ژورنال: Antipode

سال: 2022

ISSN: ['1467-8330', '0066-4812']